[Shootout-list] Optimizing for speed vs. beauty
Brandon J. Van Every
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:56:19 -0700
John Goerzen wrote:
> There are two main reasons someone could find the shootout
> interesting:
> 1. Performance of various languages in various situations
> 2. Ease of solving different problems in various languages
> It's often the case that the easiest solution isn't the best
> performer.
> Perhaps it would be useful to allow two versions of each program: one
> optimized for speed, one for, well, beauty. Thoughts?
If I understand the goals of the PLEAC project correctly, they are way
ahead of you in their thinking. If you want to address 2., talk to
them. They may not have exactly your goals, but they're similar, and
you can probably steer them towards what you're after.
Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA
"The pioneer is the one with the arrows in his back."
- anonymous entrepreneur