[Shootout-list] request to put MLton on "The Usual" page
John Skaller
Wed, 08 Jun 2005 15:28:46 +1000
On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 00:39 +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:
> >
> > Are there any contrary views?
> I'd like to see the best known languages and implementations in "The Usual"
> but I'm calling Mlton the best known SML implementation.
I do not like the 'Usual'/'Greater' split at all. For me it
destroyed the work I put in, because it fails to allow
a system to compete on merit.
FYI the Felix tarball also happens to contain
one of the fastest Scheme implementations around,
(ocs_scheme, written in Ocaml .. and intended to
be easily embeddable in Ocaml programs), the
fastest array processing language in existence
(FISh 1.6, a partial evaluator), the smallest popular
embedded systems interpreter (Lua) .. as well as the fastest
high level open source C/C++ family language around (Felix).
[In fact it is the *only* such language .. neither D nor
Java nor C# count as even remotely 'high level', and the
'open-sourceness' of these other languages is questionable.]
If you are only going to compare 'popular' languages,
you'd have to throw out MLton AND SML/NJ and have a
serious head scratch about whether Ocaml should be included.
No one in Australia (where I live) has even heard of it,
and we have a LOT of programmers here since we gave up
crocodile hunting .. :))
Well, actually I know two other Ocaml users in Australia ..
and a third person who has heard of it (but he is
programming in Felix .. )
I would rather see ONE web site, and a way of filtering
the huge set of language and tests to show a smaller
data set that is more comprehensible.
John Skaller, skaller at users.sf.net
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850
Download Felix here: http://felix.sf.net