[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Jon Harrop
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 12:56:36 +0100
On Thursday 16 June 2005 22:50, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> Unfortunately the codes probably been scraped from your website, and
> that's quite different from you contributing code.
> Personally I'll be delighted to have your latest programs on the
> shootout - but you really do have to do the bureaucracy first
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/great/faq.php?sort=fullcpu#contribute
Brent has very kindly given me CVS access to the shootout so I've uploaded my
OCaml, MLton, C++ and Java implementations of the ray tracer. In all cases I
chose the fastest implementations under 100 LOC (according to the shootout's
LOC count). As this was my first commit I didn't change anyone else's
submissions. Out of interest, I added the shortest of all my implementations
as well - 57 LOC of OCaml (OCaml #2).
The results look good though, my MLton #2 is the fastest, followed by my OCaml
#3, thenmy g++ (original) and Simon's Fortran. Does the shootout
automatically take the fastest implementations or should I rename things?
The Java didn't run because it uses a JDK 1.5 command. I'll fix this.
I put the standard comment header at the top of each program. Are these ok
regarding licensing?
Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists