[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Isaac Gouy
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:51:17 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jon Harrop <jon@ffconsultancy.com> wrote:
> Brent has very kindly given me CVS access to the shootout so I've
> uploaded my OCaml, MLton, C++ and Java implementations of the ray
> tracer.
> In all cases I chose the fastest implementations under 100 LOC
> (according to the shootout's LOC count).
> As this was my first commit I didn't change anyone else's
> submissions.
There's a FAQ for committers
> Out of interest, I added the shortest of all my implementations as
> well - 57 LOC of OCaml (OCaml #2).
Doug Bagley had the optimistic notion that everyone would honour this:
4. Write the program as-if lines of code were not being measured.
> I put the standard comment header at the top of each program. Are
> these ok regarding licensing?
As long as you are the real author of the programs - but if the
programs were authored by someone else and shown on a discussion forum
then they should contribute them to the shootout.
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