[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
Jon Harrop
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 01:25:11 +0100
On Tuesday 21 June 2005 00:46, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> Jon, that isn't the Java program you uploaded to the website.
> As I've said over and over again, and as anyone can easily establish,
> you never sent those programs to the shootout - until you did we could
> not publish them. Quite simple really.
They are on the shootout website (in the tracker) and two of them were
published, just not the other eighteen.
> > So did you make it up (they never existed) or are they working on the
> > shootout ("people" didn't waste their time) or are you just whining
> > for the sake of it? :-)
> Name-calling is no credit to you, the institution you work for, or the
> argument you are trying to make.
I'll assume that you made up these "people" and their submissions.
Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists