[Simple-cdd-devel] Creating CD with custom debian installer

Javier Marcon javiermarcon at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 17:59:27 UTC 2017

El 26/01/17 a las 14:06, Laurent COOPER escribió:
> Hello everybody on the list
> First of all I shall introduce myself
> I'm working for an academic organization in France, and we distribute an
> customized debian distribution for firewalls and communication servers
> in France
> I'm trying to rebuild CD for new version (our last one is old) and I'm
> now tinkering since a week with simple-cdd
> I do not fully understand the point for customized debian installer.
> (Yes, I need one because our customized installer xen creates virtual
> servers)
> The documentation is not very clear for me.
> Shall I use official debian mirrors and have a customized version of the
> installer locally, along with my home made deb and udebs ? Or must I
> have my own repository with a version of debian installer (it was the
> way I tried to do the things, but failed)?
> I can be more detailled if it is usefull
> TIA for your reading, and your possible answers
> Sincerely
> Laurent Cooper
When I created a customized distribution, I added a mycustom.conf file
with all parameters and a folder named packages with the files inside to
specify what you want: mycustom.description, mycustom.downloads,
mycustom.packages, mycustom.postinst, mycustom.presed and
mycustom.udebs. I also have 2 folders called local_pkg and local_extras
with all the stuff that I want to add to the installer cd. Then you run
build-simple.cdd --conf ./mycustom.conf

My .conf file has:

export CONTRIB=1
export NONFREE=1
mirror_components="main contrib non-free"
# You can use a alternative splash image using a PNG image (640 x 480,
# 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced), other formats should work but weren't
# tested. Keep in mind that the alternative splash image will be displayed
# only at the installer boot prompt.
# export SPLASHPNG="$simple_cdd_dir/yourimage.png"

# Don't include the manual or release notes, respectively, to save space.
#export OMIT_MANUAL=1

# Don't generate JIGDO files
#export DOJIGDO=0

# Define the CD label
#export DISKINFO="Simple-cdd Installer: Debian GNU/Linux $DEBVERSION
$CODENAME $(date --utc +%Y%m%d)"

# Increase the size limit if debian-cd tries to make more CDs than you want,
# and the generated CDs are smaller than 650MB, or if you want to generate
# larger than "normal" CD images.
#export SIZELIMIT=838860800

# Only generate one CD
#export MAXCDS=1

export default_desktop='lxde'



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