[Splashy-devel] Pixel-Precise Patch.

Pat Suwalski pats at xandros.com
Wed Mar 1 20:01:53 UTC 2006

Luis M wrote:
> Things start to get confusing quickly uh... I understand what you mean
> though. Just thinking between the resolution of the images and the
> resolution that directfb will set the image (stretch) when it doesn't
> match the actual size of the screen set at boot by the kernel.

The way to explain this in documentation is: "If you want to specify the 
progress bar location in pixels on the background image you made, make 
sure to specify the background's <width> and <height> tags."

> Wouldn't this value be better if it was placed inside
> <progressbar></progressbar> ? I applied your patch as is for now (with
> very minor changes to keep the code looking consistent with the GNU
> Coding Standards -- variables defined: foo_bar instead of
> java-like/c++-like fooBar )

My thinking is like it is in the above explanation, in that it's 
something that is specific to the background and not the progress bar. 
It could be in either, but it tends to be a property of the background 
that the progressbar just uses.

In the future I would expect that someting like an overlay to be able to 
use this value as well.

> If you can, please send the "print" implementation. I'm still having
> problems with displaying a overlay window on top of splashy when users
> press F2. The code is on splashy_video.c if you want to peek into it.

As I said, there is no overlay window, it just dumps text like a console 
would starting from the top-left. It would be embarassing to put in at 
the moment.

The reason I'm waiting is that we might consider doing it differently: 
draw a box at specified coordinates, and just put one line of text 
centered that gets replaced when new input comes in. The current 
implementation just starts in the top left and advances the line after 
each print. It's ugly.

Neither of these ideas captures the console, though. Is that what you 
were asking about?


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