[Splashy-devel] Pixel-Precise Patch.

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 04:19:52 UTC 2006

Hello Pat,

On 3/1/06, Pat Suwalski <pats at xandros.com> wrote:
> Luis M wrote:
> > Things start to get confusing quickly uh... I understand what you mean
> > though. Just thinking between the resolution of the images and the
> > resolution that directfb will set the image (stretch) when it doesn't
> > match the actual size of the screen set at boot by the kernel.
> The way to explain this in documentation is: "If you want to specify the
> progress bar location in pixels on the background image you made, make
> sure to specify the background's <width> and <height> tags."

I added this to the README. Eventually we will need a real
documentation for Splashy and the wiki page should be made available
in the distribution itself. For now, I updated the README with a few
things for the impatient ;-)

> > Wouldn't this value be better if it was placed inside
> > <progressbar></progressbar> ? I applied your patch as is for now (with
> > very minor changes to keep the code looking consistent with the GNU
> > Coding Standards -- variables defined: foo_bar instead of
> > java-like/c++-like fooBar )
> My thinking is like it is in the above explanation, in that it's
> something that is specific to the background and not the progress bar.
> It could be in either, but it tends to be a property of the background
> that the progressbar just uses.


> In the future I would expect that someting like an overlay to be able to
> use this value as well.

I already added a section for this in the default theme's config.xml.
I hope you are keeping track of the latest development in svn. I'm
trying my best not to break svn at all cost... but sometimes after
hours of going through the source, i just smerge things so that i can
work from a different location the next day ;-) Usually is code I
leave commented out.

> > If you can, please send the "print" implementation. I'm still having
> > problems with displaying a overlay window on top of splashy when users
> > press F2. The code is on splashy_video.c if you want to peek into it.
> As I said, there is no overlay window, it just dumps text like a console
> would starting from the top-left. It would be embarassing to put in at
> the moment.

LOL. That's funny. Well, I have not have any success with the overlay
myself. I fired an email to directfb-users, but, no response. I guess
that is because this is such a well known issue that there is no need
to say it again... However, I've done a lot of research and I haven't
found a way to do it yet. I might have to actually read the whole
directfb documentation to figure this one out.

> The reason I'm waiting is that we might consider doing it differently:
> draw a box at specified coordinates, and just put one line of text
> centered that gets replaced when new input comes in. The current
> implementation just starts in the top left and advances the line after
> each print. It's ugly.
> Neither of these ideas captures the console, though. Is that what you
> were asking about?

I already know how to capture the console. I'll put that in the
overlay when I get one working (I'll read /dev/vcs). I was just
thinking that having the "pring <string>" support in
splashy_functions.c would encourage others to submit patches to get
the whole thing working faster (many people have requested this
feature in the past).

Well, let's hope that by Saturday we have something working... I have
sample code that draws a surface and a window overlay. It works like a
charm. But I can't get the same functionality in the current Splashy.
This, i believe, is because Splashy is using a surface (with no
window) to do it's magic (and setting the whole thing to full-screen
mode, which makes it even harder to have windows). If I force Splashy
to go to window-mode earlier, like before the app actually draws the
image, then the resolution becomes about 1/4 of the screen (old, known
issue that I solved by doing a lot of magical things). Oh well...

It just burns me to have a problem that goes on for so long...

Thanks for your help anyway, and keep the patches flowing.

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
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No .doc: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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