[Utnubu-discuss] Re: Ubuntu/Debian cooperation [was: Complaint about #debian operator]

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 16 15:26:23 UTC 2005


Am Freitag 16 Dezember 2005 08:29 schrieb Sven Luther:
> Hehe. but i think the triaging is the problem in this approach. Maybe an
> extension to our BTS web pages, which lists easily the ubuntu bugs for a
> given package would be nice, but i think active cooperation is the better
> solution.

Sure, cooperation is always the best solution imo.

However I guess some automation can be done for the case of transitions.
Currently we handle the a2c-transition for universe packages by a list, which 
contains all affected packages [1]. Once a MOTU starts working on a package, 
he files a bug in malone with a specific bug title. The email malone 
generates is then parsed and used to update the transition list. Once the 
package has been built, the bug state in malone is set to fixed, which 
results in another email and another update of the list.

Though this list for a2c-transition (which also handles ubuntu merges) is 
currently nothing more than a hack, I plan to rewrite it to be able to handle 
any transition and other stuff like packages with unmet dependencies. 

Current problems I see for automation:
Some packages need to be merged for ubuntu and are affected by a2c-transition. 
For these there is no easy way of telling, what actually has been done/what 
would be the patch for BTS.
You would still need to find the appropriate bug number in BTS for 

The code for the list is here [2]. Feel free to reuse it or to bug me if you 
want hooks or other changes ;).

	Stefan aka sistpoty.
[1]: http://revu.tauware.de/~sistpoty/MoM/index.py?state=new
[2]: bzr repo: http://revu.tauware.de/~sistpoty/mergeWebTool

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