[Utnubu-discuss] Utnubu and collaborative maintenance with Ubuntu
Reinhard Tartler
siretart at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 16:21:36 UTC 2006
On 1/16/06, Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org> wrote:
> > I'm not sure if I understood the initial announcement of utnubu
> > correctly, perhaps my proposal/question is already stated there: Is
> > the utnubu team open for MOTU Members, who want to
> > contribute/develope/maintain their packages in ubuntu on the debian
> > side? In this case, the DDs and debian users of utnubu would check the
> > packaging and the integration into debian and eventually upload it to
> > debian, from where ubuntu can sync from.
> That's exactly how I imagine collaboration. Except that there's no need for
> "formal approval" of integration inside Utnubu ... since the only right
> that you really need right now, is the right to put your work in the
> collab-maint SVN. For me, as soon as a MOTU starts working on packages
> inside/for Debian, he's part of Utnubu. :-)
> Even if the initial announcement of Utnubu is more Debian-centric, I
> believe that this type of collaboration is the way to go.
Great, so my question remains: Shall we use
utnubu-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org as contact/Maintainer adress
for those package or shall we introduce another mailing list for this
purpose? I'd rather stay with utnubu discuss for now until the group
begins to get too much traffic, but I'd like to hear other opinions.
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