[Utnubu-discuss] Utnubu and collaborative maintenance with
Ubuntu MOTU
Joachim Breitner
nomeata at debian.org
Mon Jan 16 22:48:12 UTC 2006
Hi all, finally caught up,
Am Montag, den 16.01.2006, 23:31 +0100 schrieb Lucas Nussbaum:
> Clearly, this mailing list is not the place for such offensive Ubuntu bashing.
> Ubuntu developers subscribed to this mailing list are here because they
> care about Debian, you really should remember that.
Thanks Lucas, that says it all.
I clearly see that there is a strong interest by some MOTUs to see their
work in Debian, too, and there seems to be a need for this to be
structured. Let's try to define the "use cases"
A) MOTU has a package in utnubu, and thinks it would be neat if it were
in Debian, too. As he uses utnubu only, he needs some checking of his
packages and a sponsor.
- needs: mailing list for discussion
and: infrastructure for checking and sponsoring (e.g. mentors.d.o)
- or: other-side-partner (OSP), who helps and sponsors without the
need for a team or infratructure
- maintainer field: either the MOTU or the team/OSP
B) MOTU has a package in utnubu, but cares about debian and prefers to
put his work only there, and have that synced to ubuntu automatically. I
think that leads to the same needs as A)
C) Package ubunbu with no ubuntu-side interest in Debian integration.
- needs: a team to care about that, e.g. utnubu
- maintainer field: utnubu-maintainers at l.a.d.o
I guess I did miss some cases, please add them.
Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
nomeata at debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
JID: joachimbreitner at amessage.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
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