[Webmin-maintainers] webmin co-maintenance maybe adoption

Arthur Korn arthur@korn.ch
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 21:38:27 +0100

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[I'm subscribed to webmin-maintainers, no need for Cc]

Andreas Schuldei schrieb:
> then we want to go over the source and replace the rather crappy
> perl4 with up to date perl5 and attempt to clean up the source
> where possible.

Hmm, so what would that mean? Just killing the & on subroutines,
introducing prototypes, using real modules and namespaces
(webmin does something strange when one module uses another I
remember, didn't use that for some time), or even going OO?
Making things strict-clean would be desirable.

Generally I think just porting webmin 1 to perl5 maybe isn't
such a great idea, since we can change hardly anything without
breaking all the 3rd party modules out there.

> are you willing to work on this, too?

I'd be willing to help on small changes with immediate value
without sacrifiying module-compatibility, such as making things
strict-clean to simplify error-catching, maybe even start using
tainting, coming up with a usable HTML "widget set" library (I
coded something in that direction for webmin-afbackup which
saved me tons of nerves, I could come up with something even
more useful).

As for the big changes: It would probably make for an
interesting project but I lack time and motivation for that.

ciao, 2ri
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