[Yast4debian-devel] Modules working and next steps

Stanislav Višňovský visnov@suse.cz
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:47:50 +0200


Dňa Sobota 09 Apríl 2005 20:56 Ramon Acedo napísal:
> I resend this message because the first try didn't work.
> The list in alioth seems not to work allways correctly.

What about moving the list to forge.novell.com?

> Hi again,
> Pikota is still working and he's got some modules finished:
> yast2-users module: works well except with ldap (it is disabled due to
>                     some problems compiling the yast2-ldap module).
> yast2-nfs-client module: works well.
> yast2-nfs-server module: will work tomorrow as Pikota tells me right
>                          now :-)


> services module: Pikota is working hard on it because the system
>                  runlevels in Debian and SuSE are quite different.
>                  Right now it's done the 60% as he told me.

I would expect that.
