[Debsplash-devel] Re: usplash source
Charles Henderson
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:46:53 -0600
On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 13:24 +0100, Vincenzo Ampolo wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 17:14 -0600, Charles Henderson wrote:
> > Great to hear! The other thing I was thinking of (and this is far
> > less trivial) would be a hook (maybe via a second bin) to allow other
> > initscripts to put up a jpeg while they are running. Put simply, if
> > an
> > initscript or binary needed to notify a user it was running (case in
> > point doing a disk check which adds a lot of time to boot)
> For this stuff, usplash-0.2 will be capable of paint animations and
> another bar according to fsck.
> > it need only
> > call 'addsplash /etc/usplash/file.jpg' (where "file.jpg" is a small
> > image unique to this initscript or bin) and the file.jpg is displayed
> > at
> > a predetermined point until 'addsplash -r' is called to remove the
> > image.
> We have planned that animations will be configuraed by a config.xml
> file.
> To make a hook that add an image is inpossible since the usplash istance
> is only one, and if you start another usplash on it, it will be
> override. Using config.xml file people will configure background and
> shutdown image plus images for animations and so on...
> >
> > While this may sound like a complex solution, it would allow for a
> > lot
> > of flexibility down the road. Basically, maintainers could easily
> > hook
> > there initscripts into usplash. I am sure their are better ways to
> > implement the idea but it was just a brainstorm that I thought I would
> > share. I did not want to get too far down the road before talking to
> > you as you might have other (better) plans.
> Mainteiners have to run a simple sed script (with config.xml as target)
> to change usplash behaviusr automatically.
> Remember that usplash is not a program that (for now) go with a
> distribution, some people don't want it, using your way initscript will
> be bugged if usplash is not present in the system...
Good thing I mentioned it to you before spending more time on it. In
terms of the bin to put up the animations, perhaps I was not clear. It
was my view that a second bin which would tell the running usplash what
to do would be called. Similarly to how you are actually doing it (with
the sed script) in your description. I think you are right that using a
sed script would be better than a second binary.
Charles Henderson