[Debsplash-devel] Re: usplash source
Vincenzo Ampolo
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 13:24:57 +0100
On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 17:14 -0600, Charles Henderson wrote:
> Great to hear! The other thing I was thinking of (and this is far
> less trivial) would be a hook (maybe via a second bin) to allow other
> initscripts to put up a jpeg while they are running. Put simply, if
> an
> initscript or binary needed to notify a user it was running (case in
> point doing a disk check which adds a lot of time to boot)
For this stuff, usplash-0.2 will be capable of paint animations and
another bar according to fsck.
> it need only
> call 'addsplash /etc/usplash/file.jpg' (where "file.jpg" is a small
> image unique to this initscript or bin) and the file.jpg is displayed
> at
> a predetermined point until 'addsplash -r' is called to remove the
> image.
We have planned that animations will be configuraed by a config.xml
To make a hook that add an image is inpossible since the usplash istance
is only one, and if you start another usplash on it, it will be
override. Using config.xml file people will configure background and
shutdown image plus images for animations and so on...
> While this may sound like a complex solution, it would allow for a
> lot
> of flexibility down the road. Basically, maintainers could easily
> hook
> there initscripts into usplash. I am sure their are better ways to
> implement the idea but it was just a brainstorm that I thought I would
> share. I did not want to get too far down the road before talking to
> you as you might have other (better) plans.
Mainteiners have to run a simple sed script (with config.xml as target)
to change usplash behaviusr automatically.
Remember that usplash is not a program that (for now) go with a
distribution, some people don't want it, using your way initscript will
be bugged if usplash is not present in the system...