[Pkg-gnupg-commit] [gpgme] 88/132: cpp: Add interactor to generate keys on smartcard

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Apr 26 01:01:30 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dkg pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository gpgme.

commit d63258066d008de113ed1170f1b0e787a5bdaba1
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Wed Mar 1 11:17:27 2017 +0100

    cpp: Add interactor to generate keys on smartcard
    * lang/cpp/src/editinteractor.cpp (EditInteractor::needsNoResponse):
    Handle new states.
    * lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp,
    lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.h: New.
    * lang/cpp/src/Makefile.am: Update accordingly.
 NEWS                                     |   3 +
 lang/cpp/src/Makefile.am                 |   4 +-
 lang/cpp/src/editinteractor.cpp          |   2 +
 lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp | 332 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.h   |  71 +++++++
 5 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index d1042c6..4ad1cea 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Noteworthy changes in version 1.8.1 (unreleased)
  * cpp: Support for adduid and revuid operations.
+ * cpp: Support for smartcard key generation.
  * Interface changes relative to the 1.8.0 release:
  gpgme_strerror_r            CHANGED: Use gpgme_error_t (compatible type).
@@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ Noteworthy changes in version 1.8.1 (unreleased)
  cpp: Context::startAddUid(const Key&, const char*) NEW.
  cpp: Key::UserID::revoke()                         NEW.
  cpp: Key::addUid()                                 NEW.
+ cpp: GpgGenCardKeyInteractor                       NEW.
  qt: CryptoConfig::stringValueList()                NEW.
  gpgme_data_rewind                                  UN-DEPRECATE.
  py: Context.__init__        EXTENDED: New keyword arg home_dir.
diff --git a/lang/cpp/src/Makefile.am b/lang/cpp/src/Makefile.am
index c62bd6c..4028b3d 100644
--- a/lang/cpp/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/lang/cpp/src/Makefile.am
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ main_sources = \
     signingresult.cpp encryptionresult.cpp \
     engineinfo.cpp gpgsetexpirytimeeditinteractor.cpp \
     gpgsetownertrusteditinteractor.cpp gpgsignkeyeditinteractor.cpp \
-    gpgadduserideditinteractor.cpp defaultassuantransaction.cpp \
+    gpgadduserideditinteractor.cpp gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp \
+    defaultassuantransaction.cpp \
     scdgetinfoassuantransaction.cpp gpgagentgetinfoassuantransaction.cpp \
     vfsmountresult.cpp configuration.cpp tofuinfo.cpp swdbresult.cpp
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ gpgmepp_headers = \
     gpgadduserideditinteractor.h gpgagentgetinfoassuantransaction.h \
     gpgmefw.h gpgsetexpirytimeeditinteractor.h \
     gpgsetownertrusteditinteractor.h gpgsignkeyeditinteractor.h \
+    gpggencardkeyinteractor.h \
     importresult.h keygenerationresult.h key.h keylistresult.h \
     notation.h result.h scdgetinfoassuantransaction.h signingresult.h \
     trustitem.h verificationresult.h vfsmountresult.h gpgmepp_export.h \
diff --git a/lang/cpp/src/editinteractor.cpp b/lang/cpp/src/editinteractor.cpp
index 31591fa..b652bda 100644
--- a/lang/cpp/src/editinteractor.cpp
+++ b/lang/cpp/src/editinteractor.cpp
@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ bool EditInteractor::needsNoResponse(unsigned int status) const
         return false;
         return true;
diff --git a/lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp b/lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90329e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+  gpggencardkeyinteractor.cpp - Edit Interactor to generate a key on a card
+  Copyright (C) 2017 Intevation GmbH
+  This file is part of GPGME++.
+  GPGME++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  GPGME++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+  along with GPGME++; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
+  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ #include "config.h"
+#include "gpggencardkeyinteractor.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include <gpgme.h>
+using namespace GpgME;
+class GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::Private
+    Private() : keysize(2048), backup(false)
+    {
+    }
+    std::string name, email, backupFileName, expiry, serial;
+    int keysize;
+    bool backup;
+GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::~GpgGenCardKeyInteractor() {}
+GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::GpgGenCardKeyInteractor(const std::string &serial):
+    d(new Private)
+    d->serial = serial;
+void GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::setNameUtf8(const std::string &name)
+    d->name = name;
+void GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::setEmailUtf8(const std::string &email)
+    d->email = email;
+void GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::setDoBackup(bool value)
+    d->backup = value;
+void GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::setKeySize(int value)
+    d->keysize = value;
+void GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::setExpiry(const std::string &timeStr)
+    d->expiry = timeStr;
+std::string GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::backupFileName() const
+    return d->backupFileName;
+namespace GpgGenCardKeyInteractor_Private
+enum {
+    START = EditInteractor::StartState,
+    DO_ADMIN,
+    EXPIRE,
+    NAME,
+    EMAIL,
+    BACKUP,
+    SIZE,
+    SIZE2,
+    SIZE3,
+    QUIT,
+    SAVE,
+    ERROR = EditInteractor::ErrorState
+const char *GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::action(Error &err) const
+    using namespace GpgGenCardKeyInteractor_Private;
+    switch (state()) {
+    case DO_ADMIN:
+        return "admin";
+    case COMMAND:
+        return "generate";
+    case NAME:
+        return d->name.c_str();
+    case EMAIL:
+        return d->email.c_str();
+    case EXPIRE:
+        return d->expiry.c_str();
+    case BACKUP:
+        return d->backup ? "Y" : "N";
+    case REPLACE:
+        return "Y";
+    case SIZE:
+    case SIZE2:
+    case SIZE3:
+        return std::to_string(d->keysize).c_str();
+    case COMMENT:
+        return "";
+    case SAVE:
+        return "Y";
+    case QUIT:
+        return "quit";
+    case KEY_CREATED:
+    case START:
+    case GOT_SERIAL:
+    case ERROR:
+        return 0;
+    default:
+        err = Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
+        return 0;
+    }
+unsigned int GpgGenCardKeyInteractor::nextState(unsigned int status, const char *args, Error &err) const
+    static const Error GENERAL_ERROR     = Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_GENERAL);
+    static const Error INV_NAME_ERROR    = Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INV_NAME);
+    static const Error INV_EMAIL_ERROR   = Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
+    static const Error INV_COMMENT_ERROR = Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
+    if (needsNoResponse(status)) {
+        return state();
+    }
+    using namespace GpgGenCardKeyInteractor_Private;
+    switch (state()) {
+    case START:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_CARDCTRL &&
+                !d->serial.empty()) {
+            const std::string sArgs = args;
+            if (sArgs.find(d->serial) == std::string::npos) {
+                // Wrong smartcard
+                err = Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_WRONG_CARD);
+                return ERROR;
+            } else {
+                printf("EditInteractor: Confirmed S/N: %s %s\n",
+                           d->serial.c_str(), sArgs.c_str());
+            }
+            return GOT_SERIAL;
+        } else if (d->serial.empty()) {
+            return GOT_SERIAL;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case GOT_SERIAL:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.prompt") == 0) {
+            return DO_ADMIN;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case DO_ADMIN:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.prompt") == 0) {
+            return COMMAND;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case COMMAND:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.genkeys.backup_enc") == 0) {
+            return BACKUP;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case BACKUP:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_BOOL &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.genkeys.replace_keys") == 0) {
+            return REPLACE;
+        }
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.genkeys.size") == 0) {
+            return SIZE;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case REPLACE:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.genkeys.size") == 0) {
+            printf("Moving to SIZE\n");
+            return SIZE;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case SIZE:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.genkeys.size") == 0) {
+            return SIZE2;
+        }
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.valid") == 0) {
+            return EXPIRE;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case SIZE2:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.genkeys.size") == 0) {
+            return SIZE3;
+        }
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.valid") == 0) {
+            return EXPIRE;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case SIZE3:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.valid") == 0) {
+            return EXPIRE;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case EXPIRE:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.name") == 0) {
+            return NAME;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case NAME:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.email") == 0) {
+            return EMAIL;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.name") == 0) {
+            err = INV_NAME_ERROR;
+        }
+        return ERROR;
+    case EMAIL:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.comment") == 0) {
+            return COMMENT;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.email") == 0) {
+            err = INV_EMAIL_ERROR;
+        }
+        return ERROR;
+    case COMMENT:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_BACKUP_KEY_CREATED) {
+            std::string sArgs = args;
+            const auto pos = sArgs.rfind(" ");
+            if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+                d->backupFileName = sArgs.substr(pos + 1);
+                return BACKUP_KEY_CREATED;
+            }
+        }
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_KEY_CREATED) {
+            return KEY_CREATED;
+        }
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keyedit.prompt") == 0) {
+            return QUIT;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keygen.comment") == 0) {
+            err = INV_COMMENT_ERROR;
+        }
+        return ERROR;
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_KEY_CREATED) {
+            return KEY_CREATED;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case KEY_CREATED:
+        return QUIT;
+    case QUIT:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "cardedit.prompt") == 0) {
+            return QUIT;
+        }
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    case ERROR:
+        if (status == GPGME_STATUS_GET_LINE &&
+                strcmp(args, "keyedit.prompt") == 0) {
+            return QUIT;
+        }
+        err = lastError();
+        return ERROR;
+    default:
+        err = GENERAL_ERROR;
+        return ERROR;
+    }
diff --git a/lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.h b/lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b17d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/cpp/src/gpggencardkeyinteractor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+  gpggencardkeyinteractor.h - Edit Interactor to generate a key on a card
+  Copyright (C) 2017 Intevation GmbH
+  This file is part of GPGME++.
+  GPGME++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  GPGME++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+  along with GPGME++; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
+  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <editinteractor.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <memory>
+namespace GpgME
+class GPGMEPP_EXPORT GpgGenCardKeyInteractor: public EditInteractor
+    /** Edit interactor to generate a key on a smartcard.
+     *
+     * The \a serialnumber argument is intended to safeguard
+     * against accidentally working on the wrong smartcard.
+     *
+     * The edit interactor will fail if the card did not match.
+     *
+     * @param serialnumber: Serialnumber of the intended card.
+     **/
+    explicit GpgGenCardKeyInteractor(const std::string &serialnumber);
+    ~GpgGenCardKeyInteractor();
+    /** Set the key sizes for the subkeys (default 2048) */
+    void setKeySize(int size);
+    void setNameUtf8(const std::string &name);
+    void setEmailUtf8(const std::string &email);
+    void setDoBackup(bool value);
+    void setExpiry(const std::string &timeString);
+    std::string backupFileName() const;
+    /* reimp */ const char *action(Error &err) const;
+    /* reimp */ unsigned int nextState(unsigned int statusCode, const char *args, Error &err) const;
+    class Private;
+    std::shared_ptr<Private> d;
+} // namespace GpgME

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-gnupg/gpgme.git

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