[Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow

Peter Hinely phinely@hawaii.edu
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 19:24:56 -1000 (HST)


> When evaluating languages,
> all we can do is decide what class of mistakes are allowed, and what are
> not allowed.

Yes, exactly!  So I proposed adding column to the pages giving a very
coarse-grained display of what classes mistakes the entry allows.

I did not propose having an integer overflow benchmark.
I did not propose forcing all implementations to use bignums.

I proposed displaying some additional aspects about the
implementation.  Then person visiting the web site can decide for
themself what's important for *their* needs.

You dismissed integer overflow as not being important. If you feel that
way, fine, but you don't have to force your view on every visitor to the
Shootout pages.  If the visitor to the Shootout pages agrees with you,
then they can ignore that column, and just look at which language is at
the top of the list.  If they think a particular aspect of safety is
important, then they can look in the column and see whether there's a
checkbox there to see what kind of trade-offs are being made.
