[Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 09:39:11 +0200

Peter Hinely wrote:
> Yes, exactly!  So I proposed adding column to the pages giving a very
> coarse-grained display of what classes mistakes the entry allows.

correct me if i am wrong, but surely this is not a culumn, but several. 
one for each class of mistake that is allowed?

> I proposed displaying some additional aspects about the
> implementation.  Then person visiting the web site can decide for
> themself what's important for *their* needs.
> You dismissed integer overflow as not being important. If you feel that
> way, fine, but you don't have to force your view on every visitor to the
> Shootout pages.  If the visitor to the Shootout pages agrees with you,
> then they can ignore that column, and just look at which language is at
> the top of the list.  If they think a particular aspect of safety is
> important, then they can look in the column and see whether there's a
> checkbox there to see what kind of trade-offs are being made.

this is a good idea. but it will force somebody to do a lot of webpage 
redesign. since i am not going to do it, i will not suggest that it is done.
