[Shootout-list] logarithmic scoring system
Bengt Kleberg
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:52:02 +0200
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> about the current scoring system? To that, I would say that the problem
> of programs taking ridiculously short periods of time as computers get
> faster is not going to go away. In this case I believe good design
since we have this nice little argument to all the tests (n) that we can
increase as time goes by, i fail to see the why you have such a fear of
fster computers.
admitedly we will run into problems with very large n, if the test is
not well designed (sumcol). we then have to redesign the test. provided
that it is only the data we change, and not the code, i think this is
not a problem. imho.